The real organic olive oil in Ostuni
The Bagnulo family’s organic farm has managed over time to combine tradition and innovation, while maintaining the love for the land and for high quality products. The passion for genuine local products has allowed the company to consolidate its reputation in the area and to offer you the best of its native production.
The farm products

Our extra virgin olive oil
Our extra virgin olive oil is the result of tradition and love for the products of our land. This has not prevented the company from evolving.
The mechanization of olive harvesting involves numerous advantages, including a drastic reduction in harvesting times, thus guaranteeing a more homogeneous product from the point of view of fruit ripeness. Furthermore, the resting times of the fruit, ranging from harvesting to milling, have also been reduced, thus leading to a fresher and more natural product.
The fruit is therefore preserved from all those small alterations related to manual harvesting such as the trampling of the collectors on the nets on the ground and the triggering of fermentation processes due to waiting for the end of the harvest before milling.
With mechanized harvesting, not only the fruits are not handled in any way, but arrive at the mill within 12 hours of harvesting, guaranteeing an excellent, fresh and fragrant product, which preserves all the nutritional properties of the freshly picked olives.

Cultivar Biologiche: Cellina Nardò e Ogliarola
Periodo di Raccolta: Ottobre – Gennaio
Estrazione: a Freddo in ciclo continuo
Acidità: 0,3

Cultivar Biologiche: Cima Melfi, Pesciolin, Leccino e Frantoio
Periodo di Raccolta: Novembre – Dicembre.
Estrazione: a Freddo in ciclo continuo
Acidità: 0,2

Ss 16, SNC – 72012, Carovigno (BR)
+39 320 6780200 | info@relaisvillalucia.it
P.I. 02098600741 – C.F. BGNTRM86C26C741F
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